Friday, July 10, 2009

It's So Easy Eating Green! Sara Holzman shares pix, thoughts, and a RECIPE!

One of the types of produce I have always missed the most while living in Iqaluit are my leafy greens. I have never seen kale, swiss chard, bok choy, or any realllly nice spinach at the Northmart, and never think to bring any up with me. So, I was very excited to have the chance to plant them at the greenhouse.

My swiss chard is not ready yet, but there are lovely, lush beet greens just waiting to be eaten! Now, I have never actually eaten beet greens before. I don't like beets, so maybe it was just the association that left me uncertain about them. But I'm ready to take the plunge and try them out!

A gardening friend suggested taking only a few leaves off each plant (you don't want to take too many). Store them in the fridge, and wash before using. I have been looking for recipes on how to cook them so they don't just end up a pile of green mush, and I found this one off one of my favourite foodie blogs: everybody likes sandwiches (
Here is the recipe:

braised greens with leeks & lemon
2 lbs of assorted greens (chard, kale, beet greens is what I used)
1 T olive oil
1/2 t red pepper flakes
3 leeks sliced thinly
zest & juice of 1 lemon
salt & pepper

Rinse the greens very well to get rid of any dirt hidden within the leaves. Remove the tough ribs from the kale and discard. Chop the greens and set aside.

In a large pot, heat olive oil and saute the leeks and red chilies until fragrant.

Add in the toughest leaves first (kale) and then the chard and then the beet greens. Reduce heat.

What looks like a massive amount of greens will soon wilt into a very manageable amount.

Add in the lemon juice and zest and sprinkle with a bit of salt and pepper and stir about until all the leaves become wilted and tender, about 10 minutes. Serve.

---I am very excited to try this recipe. In the meantime, I am planning my lunch in my head: beet greens and lettuce salad (not yet from the greenhouse), green onions, cherry tomatoes (definitely not from the greenhouse!!), roasted walnuts and maybe some goat cheese!

I encourage everyone to post an exciting recipe!

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